
Do You Even Like Marketing?

If you're a solopreneur or freelancer and you don't like marketing or promoting your product, service, or business, could that be having a negative impact on people's perceptions of you? I think so. My family and a few close friends call me a curmudgeon and it's not being used affectionately, but even I can share excitement and enthusiasm about what I do. If I couldn't, I shouldn't be doing this work. The idea of the unique marketing modality came out of my experience of not enjoying marketing my businesses. I couldn't stand networking, I dreaded the weekly email, and I didn't look much forward to blogging or posting on social media. No wonder I had a hard time getting clients. When I stepped back and allowed myself a moment of honesty, I saw that there were really only a few ways that I completely enjoyed marketing and they had several things in common - centered on talking, usually in a one-to-one setting, in a reflective role, and sharing wisdom. When

My Video and Podcast Production System

I heard Seth Godin talk about how he was able to maintain his one blog post a day routing. He described a very simple system. He keeps a folder on his computer of very short articles on every idea that occurs to him and he never runs out of things to publish. I have another friend who writes one blog post a week and while his posts tend to be longer than Seth Godin's, the system he's developed is pretty similar. He keeps a list of topic ideas and a simple folder system to keep track of his writing and any corresponding items so that when it's time to publish, he's ready to go. I'm working on this week's interview podcast episode and am going through the editing. I remember my early days in podcasting when I would dread the editing process because it was so tedious and took so long, but over time I've come to enjoy it. It also doesn't take nearly as long because I've done it enough to evolve a good system for the task. In this Coffee Break, I've g

Being and Staying Present

I'm wondering about the invisible barriers we put between ourselves and others. Trying to have a conversation with a computer in-between us. Trying to stay focused in a Zoom call with a room full of distractions and notifications surrounding us. Are we really there? Are we really listening? Are we really present? In a training many years ago I was shown very plainly that I wasn't a good listener, though I would have rated listening as a core strength. That training was the beginning for me of learning how to become and stay present with other people, a practice that is central to my life. I've found that in business conversations that my ability to listen far surpasses in importance the ability to have a better argument. It pays off in a hundred ways in the depth of rapport I enjoy with my clients, the feeling of goodwill that presence generates, and the sense of regard that deep listening conveys.  These are a few of my thoughts for the end-of-the-day Coffee Break on a ver

Loving Through Work

  Happy Valentine's Day! Thoughts today about love and work. Getting away from the idea of loving what you do and focusing instead on loving THROUGH what you do. It's interesting when I change the focus of work from getting something out of it to delivering a better quality of life to people through it, it becomes much more satisfying and I get all I want from it. You? Those days when I'm burned out, it seems that those are the days when I'm looking to be fulfilled rather than being generous and looking for ways to give. One of the best mysteries is how in giving we receive. Is your work a transfer of love into your close circles, your community, and your world? What would it take to make it so? If you'd ever like to have a conversation with me, the best way to set it up is to use the contact form here: #lovethroughwork #higherpurpose #meaningfulwork

Your Business Your Way

Here I am, banging the drum of "your business is as unique as your fingerprint" again. Partly inspired by Quiet Marketing: A Calm, Minimal Approach to Business and Online Visibility for Highly Sensitive Solopreneurs a new book by Danielle Gardner, I just want to shout again from the rooftops that no blueprint is going to fit your business perfectly. It's going to take time to find the tools, processes, and practices that work for you. Be patient as you explore! A big part of your business is going to be marketing. I have developed a new workshop to help you more quickly find the unique combination of strengths, skills, preferences, and opportunities that will make your marketing easier to do with much more satisfying results. To enroll in Discover Your Unique Marketing Modality, please go here: #startingabusiness #marketingmodality #onlinesolopreneurworkshop

Recommended: Quiet Marketing by Danielle Gardner

I only found out about Danielle Gardner in the past few weeks from a friend who heard her interviewed in Tad Hargrave's Marketing for Hippies group. I found her YouTube channel and watched several of her videos, particularly the ones on Human Design and the implications for Generator and Manifesting Generator types as they approach business. She also talked about her new book, Quiet Marketing: A Calm, Minimal Approach to Business and Online Visibility for Highly Sensitive Solopreneurs (Amazon Associate link: ) This is a short book that you can read in an hour, but I'm going to suggest reading it again and breaking it up into daily exercises and reflections by chapter. This book reaffirms many of my beliefs and experiences about business being as unique as your fingerprint. She describes her own process of challenging the validity of each area of her business with regard to her personality, gifts, and desires. I found her story inspiring and would have l

Out of Order

  There may be one or two people who noticed I released the weekly interview episode a day early. I usually release those on Fridays to take advantage of the slow days in case I might show up on a chart somewhere. This week, I was in a pinch and decided to get it out a day early. Without too much detail, our pup, Vinnie had surgery yesterday and I wasn't able to find the bandwidth to make a Coffee Break video. It got me thinking about how we manage commitments when there are challenging times. Some days we just have to push things aside and give our full attention to what in my case should be simple priorities. But it's still difficult to leave work alone. Vinnie's surgery was successful and we're grateful we were able to get help when we did. It was a serious infection. But remembering to include self, family, pet, and plant care in our list of not only things to do, but priorities is an important thing to do. My health continues to be an interesting ride. Things are s

Introvert Superpowers in an Extrovert World - Alan Heymann

 ▼▼▼Watch and Listen Below!▼▼▼ Alan Heymann has a knack for coaching fellow introverts, helping them find their superpowers in an extroverted world. Alan also specializes in coaching through transitions — such as the transition from individual contributor to leader, the transition into a larger and more complex role, or the transition into a different career. He brings a warm, open and energetic presence to his coaching clients. To date, Alan has coached leaders who were born in 19 countries and work on 5 continents. Alan is the author of the book Don’t Just Have the Soup: 52 Analogies for Leadership, Coaching and Life. An expert communicator and engaging speaker, Alan spent more than two decades in public, government and nonprofit communications -- leading teams from 2 to more than 100 people who use words and images to inspire positive change in society. Inspired by a career transformation he brought about with the support of an executive coach; Alan decided to become a coach himself

When You're Not Good at Something

Even the most talented people have to practice their craft. No exceptions. There are muscles to develop and patterns to internalize, actions to turn into habits, and mistakes to unlearn. No one is exempt from this. My clients who want to be good at business without having any business experience feel like they are failing, but they are just inexperienced. They expect to be good at sales and marketing without understanding how sales and marketing work. They want easy results with no learning curve. Hell, I want easy results with no learning curve, too, but life doesn't work that way. Even with a natural aptitude for music, I still have to practice frequently to retain any level of competence. And if I don't practice, I get rusty. If you are thinking you won't succeed because you're not good at something, you need to find a way to get good. Find a teacher or a coach, watch what the highly skilled people do and steal openly from them, and practice every day. You are going

Make Your Introduction Memorable

Your introduction sets the tone for every connection you make afterward. What will people remember about you after you introduce yourself? Will it be that formulaic and boring elevator pitch you've struggled to write? Probably not. What if you were to make your introduction a quick delivery of something valuable that gives people an experience of you in your role and something to take with them in memory that will stay with them for a long time to come? It's not that difficult to go from a boring and lifeless and forgettable introduction to one that will inspire curiosity and allow you to initiate the next conversation that will happen after all the intros are made. This Coffee Break will give you a few ideas and if you want more, we just need to have a Zoom call. Want marketing to be easier and get better results? Join my Discover Your Unique Marketing Modality Workshop. Details and registration are here. Don't miss it!

Marketing with Limited Time

We all have busy times and somehow we need to carve out a little bit of time for marketing. In this video, I share a simple strategy for those weeks when I only have an hour to work with. Focus on one specific and clear offer, get the copy written for your offer first, make it short and sweet. Then to promote the offer, take advantage of a tool like to create a simple social strategy, reuse one basic design, and schedule your social media posts to lead people directly to your offer. There are a number of ways you can use a small amount of time with a great marketing impact. The main thing to remember is that you can be very targeted with your offer and message, and you can be creative in how you draw attention to it. Discover Your Unique Marketing Modality Zoom workshop is coming up on February 25th and March 4th. Enroll here: #marketingworkshop #onlineclass #marketingstra

If Marketing Has Become Too Difficult

I've had so many clients, especially at the Larimer SBDC who have come to me ready to throw in the towel on their business because marketing has been too taxing and not effective. I've had others who have worn themselves out trying to learn new communication and technical skills that they don't have time for so that they can be more visible across social media platforms. I'm not going to say you shouldn't learn new skills, but for marketing, I believe if you leverage the strengths and preferences you have in a strategic way, you'll be better off than sticking with the learning curve long enough to master it. I landed on the concept of Your Unique Marketing Modality when I realized that I and my clients had better marketing experiences and results when we combined a few things in a highly intentional direction. As we all started to focus our marketing using our strongest communication skills, our influence and arena preferences, and our communities, great things

A Solopreneur with Physical Challenges

Since being diagnosed with Graves Disease almost 14 years ago, I've lived with a predictably unpredictable physical condition. Rapid and steep energy fluctuations are common and metabolism or lack thereof makes exercise and weight loss seem impossible. I've learned to live with these challenges and make contributions to my community in spite of them, but there are days, like today, that are just complete down days. I have not been able to get moving and my brain is foggy no matter the mindfulness exercises or yoga that I throw at it. In this Coffee Break, I want to offer some encouragement to others who are faced with similar challenges and limitations. One-year, three-year, and five-year plans feel like exercises in futility when we don't know from one day to the next what we're going to have to work with. But I still think we can find ways to work with what we've got. In my case, I know that I will have days like today where I have to move slowly, rest more than u

Passion, Purpose, Healing, and a (Mostly) One-Man Musical - Eli Hans

Eli Hans is a multi-passionate Renaissance man, having worked on his own for thirty-five years, reinventing his career several times, in television, special events production, as a voiceover actor, interior designer, life and business coach, holistic cancer coach, and his latest iteration as the writer and performer of his mostly one-man show: Out of The Blue, a Miraculous Musical. In 2009, he and his husband Joseph Bennett exited the American rat race by moving to an artistic ex-pat community in Mexico called San Miguel de Allende. Eight years ago, though flourishing in their new lives, Eli was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive type of cancer. That's when everything changed. Having about a 10% chance of survival, Eli focused 100% of his energy on his successful recovery. Confronting his mortality helped him realign his goals and for the past 6 years, he's been supporting others to discover their passions to create meaningful work, using their natural abilities to make a dif

Raising the Social Media Bar

A couple of thought-provoking questions from this morning's presentation on Marketing Lessons We All Learned In Kindergarten. First, how can we make social media a more life-enhancing, enriching experience? And how can we realize the power of social media tools to bring us more together instead of driving us further apart. No easy answers, but I have some initial places to start. In this Coffee Break, I ask all of us, how can we raise the bar in our use of social media? #socialmediamarketing #unitingpeople #communitybuilding

Find Your Next Opportunity

If you're experiencing any lack or scarcity in your life or business, here's an experiment. It's based on a process therapist and speaker Barbara Sher used with encounter groups and other audiences for many years. The experiment is simple. Get very clear on the opportunity you want. Write it down or record yourself describing it in as great a detail as you can. Identify any obstacles you perceive as being in your way. Then ask your community to help you find it. I'm interested to see how this goes for you. Of course, I can't guarantee anything, but I find it remarkable how frequently this process works to help people get what they want. The opportunity I want is to help two people who have been in business for one to three years who are finding their businesses difficult to maintain and sustain. I'm especially interested in helping people if their struggle has anything to do with marketing their products and services. If you or someone you know fits this descrip

Simple, Interesting, and Fun

The impending snow in Colorado has me thinking about preparedness. I'm not. I can't say that preparedness is one of my strong suits unless you count being prepared to improvise.  If the plows get the roads cleared quickly enough I'll be giving an in-person talk at Desk Chair Workspace here in downtown Loveland. My topic is Marketing Lessons We All Learned In Kindergarten. It's a call to get back to simplicity and basics in the ways we bring our businesses and customers together. We feel a lot of pressure to show up everywhere all the time and we rapidly find that it's not a sustainable business model or lifestyle. I think we can learn a lot by remembering how easy it was to start friendships when we were young. The same steps are what we use to build relationships with customers - Attract, Introduce, Share Enthusiasm, Find Things In Common, Make Invitations, Play Together, Create Memories. It doesn't have to be more difficult than that. Let's get out of our

Playing the Cards You're Dealt

There are certain things about life that we have very little control over. The inevitability of death, the basic level of intelligence we're born with, our personalities, and physical limitations are just a few of the cards we're dealt and have to learn to play with.  Everyone's hand is unique from everyone else's so the strategy that works for anyone else will have to be adapted or scrapped according to the hand we're playing. The same is true in our businesses. They are as unique as our fingerprints, and while some of the activities are similar from business to business, there is a unique set of circumstances and traits that every business owner must learn to play with. That was my motivation in developing the concept and practice of Marketing Modalities. I've seen that people who leverage their innate strengths and preferences in the way they bring their business into the world have a greater likelihood of success than when they try to use another person'

When Your Best Efforts Fail

You have to try things in order to learn. Sometimes the things you try turn out as well or better than you'd hoped, sometimes they fall short. In this Coffee Break, Franklin shares some thoughts about things he's learned about failure. The successful software developer whose sophomore product tanked after nearly three years' investment of time and money. The well-known motivational coach and speaker who faced the pain of bankruptcy and a broken marriage. And Franklin's own story of changing course when his best songwriting efforts landed him a job as a carpet installer in a Nashville motel. Sometimes we need to regroup, redesign, and relaunch. Sometimes we need to move laterally to another opportunity. And sometimes we need to surrender to the greater scheme that is unfolding and ask to be shown our next place in it. #failure #selfdoubt #soulexpansion

Living With Extroverts

Introversion is not a disability. Seems like there are a bunch of advice videos for how to deal with introverts. I think it's time to talk about how to live with extroverts. There needs to be a weekend workshop on how to be quiet and reflective, or how to live with less stimulation. The inspiration for this topic is that I live with two extrovert people and very likely one extrovert dog. The need for stimulation is constant around here and it just got more interesting today with my son's acquisition of a new drum set. I have a small room with headphones not attached to any device. I go there when I need to cleanse myself of the overstimulation around me. You'll hear an example in the video. Thanks for joining my Coffee Break! #introvert #livingtogether #extrovert

Starting the Business That's Right for You - Larry Kaul

▼▼▼Watch and Listen Below!▼▼▼ People who work for themselves have a unique opportunity to build and grow businesses in their own way and on their own terms. For many of them, there is no blueprint for the building process, and they find themselves getting stuck with unanticipated circumstances and challenges. In those times, self-employed people can feel like there is no help available and that they are completely alone with their difficulties. Larry Kaul is a resource for solo business owners in times like these and beyond. His decades of experience in starting and growing seven-figure businesses in which he’s been self-employed make him uniquely qualified to help other business owners through these tricky waters.  His Revenue Climber Expedition leads self-employed business owners to move faster in the right direction, identify critical elements that hold them back, find new pathways and change trajectories, and stop wasting time on actions that don’t work. Your next step is to schedu