My Carbon Footprint Got a Little Smaller

We're down to one car in our family, at least for a little while. My 2000 Ford Windstar van costs more to fix than it's worth and it will be going to a good cause in the next few days. The pandemic revealed a few fallacies about how much we can get done at home and now I find myself evaluating invitations to leave home much more carefully. And I also am looking much more critically at every item on my calendar and asking myself if this is how I really want to spend my time. It's a new way of life for someone who has owned his own car for the past 43 years. With a kid getting a driver's license in the next few months, I don't know how long this resolution will last, but the temporary change has been instructive. I am a homebody, that's nothing new, but charges of being anti-social may be forthcoming and merited. Will leave home for poetry, some music, and dinner. #onecarfamily #twocargarage #imhome