Coming Up! Persuasive Marketing Messages Live Class in Fort Collins!

Unless you took classes in advertising or rhetoric or were a high school debate team member, chances are you didn't have any formal education in persuasive communication. But as a business owner, most of the communication you do is persuasive in nature. Marketing, sales, recruiting, motivating, and encouraging are part and parcel of your daily interaction. Some of us think that persuasive communication is coercive or manipulative, and in some cases, it is. Still, we all have learned ways of influencing others that are honest, transparent, and helpful. In this live, in-person class, we'll learn how to increase our marketing messages' persuasiveness. We'll cover important topics like: Creating sensory experiences with words. Building your power-verb vocabulary. Appealing to reason, emotion, and desire. Suggestion and imagination. Simple message frameworks. The class will be happening Wednesday, April 12, 2023, from 1-4 PM at Larimer SBDC. The cost is $25, which is a s...