
I'm Pretty Sure You Ruined Elon's Day

Lots of friends publicly announced on Facebook today that they've deleted their Twitter accounts in response to the news that Elon Musk has raised the money to buy it. I seriously doubt that any of them have tweeted anything since 2009, but those accounts will surely be missed. I'd like to see what he does with it before I make a decision one way or another. I was more active on Twitter in my early days there, but have let it sit for the past several years, much as I have most social media. I don't like the way it makes me feel so I'm not interested in giving any more time to it than necessary. So I'm going to wait to ruin Elon's day until he gives me a good reason. I do think it's funny that these folks are making their bold announcements on Facebook. I'm willing to wait because the guy has been known to have some brilliant ideas. PayPal, Tesla, and SpaceX - are the most well-known among many. He could really have an idea for something that will be wort

The Intrinsic Value of Creative Experience

  Listening to my son practicing drums. He started only a couple of months ago, and he's finding a knack for it quickly. It's also the first instrument he's played that he hasn't lost interest in after only a few lessons. I'm enjoying watching this happen. Creative activities teach us more about ourselves, life, and the world we inhabit as much or more than any other pursuit. In the video, I compare creativity to sacraments, outward and visible manifestations of inward, invisible graces. For many of us, our creative time does carry a sense of sacredness that other times don't. While I wish every human would find this side of themselves, I know many don't, and I'm curious why this is. Is it a personality trait, a learned preference, a socialized lesson, a sad result of childhood ridicule and comparison? What keeps people from seeking and finding their own expressions? Finding mine when I did saved my life, and it's given me a center to return to every

Shiny Impostor Object Syndrome Complex

I've spent probably $100,000 on creative tools in my lifetime, and that's a conservative estimate. My output should be so much more based on the embarrassment of technical riches I possess. But Shiny Object Syndrome isn't the real problem here. That's a made-up name and another side of perfectionism that creative people deal with constantly. But I refuse to make it a pathology, it's just a feature of the process. We all have psychological protective behavior patterns. That's a part of being human. For some people, it shows up as high achievement; for others, it appears as ambivalence in our commitments, and for others, it's a compulsion to never move out of our safe zones. Impostor Complex is a similar condition. It's a way of protecting ourselves from exposure, embarrassment, and failure. And it's a part of almost every creative person's life that I've come across, including my own. Creative people learn to work in spite of these protective

Crowdfunding Isn't Begging

A friend who is raising funds to produce a new album was accused by an acquaintance of begging for money. That didn't sit well. In this Coffee Break, I have some history to share, and I reveal what it's been like to watch my chosen profession and industry be disrupted and devalued to the point where I wonder if there will be any creative industry that will survive the digital age.  Those who think creative people should work for free will have a reckoning ahead. There will come a time when all that is available to them is the growing sea of mediocrity because those who would choose a creative profession have had to bypass that option for career paths that actually sustain them. If your life is being touched by a creative person's work, pay them. It's that simple. #paycreatives #crowdfunding #exposurekills

Getting Through the Monthly Freak-Out

If you're questioning your path because you're feeling insecure or unstable, I'd like you to stop fighting the feelings and just let them be. They don't mean anything. You don't need to second-guess yourself. Feeling uncertain, insecure, worried, anxious, and other future-focused emotions is normal for people who are taking risks. And you are taking a risk here. Life itself is risky.  If you're anything like me, the emotional arrival is predictable - so much so that I call it the monthly visitor. I can predict when I will be feeling this way and could put it on my calendar. My main encouragement is to not be distracted by it. Your work is a source of stability and grounding, so that's where you need to focus. As you do, the emotions work themselves out, and if they don't, there's always a coach or a therapist you can call. Do the work. #insecurity #wrongpath #secondguessing

Your Own Best Company - Creativity Highlights from Season 1

▼▼▼ Watch and Listen Below!▼▼▼ Some of the best creativity-themed moments from season one of Your Own Best Company with Franklin Taggart. Cheryl Benedict Full Episode: Jillian Lee Antinora Full Episode: Cynthia Trevino Full Episode: Breanna Gunn Full Episode: Johanna Walker Full Episode: Diana Needham Full Episode: Sheryl Plouffe Full Episode: Cindy Skalicky Full Episode: Meridith Grundei Full Episode: Dre Beltrami Full Episode: h

Does Your New Microphone Sound Bad?

A lot of people are investing in new microphones as videos and podcasts become more popular. Many of these people are excited to open the box and plug in the USB, but the microphone's performance is less than stellar when they do.  Like the emperor with the new clothes, everyone tells them it sounds great, but tin cans with a string would sound better than the laptop mic they've been using. When they hear the recordings of their online conversations, they realize their new mic isn't quite as stellar as they'd hoped. Most of the time, the mic isn't the problem. It's just being misused. High-quality microphones are very sensitive, and they are designed to be used with some pretty strict parameters. They have a sweet spot, and if you miss it, they suck. If you've gotten a new microphone lately and want to make sure it's set up for optimal sound quality, take a few minutes and schedule a free microphone placement session with me. We'll get on Zoom with o

100th Coffee Break and Ramblin' About Preferences

The Coffee Breaks are adding up! Today is number 100. Still holding true to my goal of posting a new video every day. I'm a huge fan of Interact quizzes as leading-edge marketing tools, and the people who work there are gems. Go try Interact now and see why I've decided to be one of their affiliates:   One of their recently added quiz templates asks, "What Does Your Coffee Say About You?"  I still don't know for sure what my coffee's opinion of me is and why it matters, but we all have preferences that drive our decisions. I like my Thai food spicy, whole my other family members like it mild. I love some music, while I'm meh about other music.  A big part of understanding other people is observing their preferences. And it's also important to honor your own. Listen to this 100th Virtual Coffee Break episode to hear more and thanks always for spending your time and attention with me. #100episodes #podcast #letshavec

Deciding What Not To Do

How do you decide what not to do? Every business owner I know has a huge list of possible ways to spend their time and focus, and they somehow choose those items from the list that are a priority. But the other things on the list matter, too.  There are things I choose not to do as a podcast host that allow my process to work the way I need it to. The choice I make to communicate with guests directly instead of trying to communicate with them through representatives is one that I've had to adopt. I get too many inquiries about guests from agents and publicists - more than I can adequately process.  I do my own producing, including editing. I've gotten pretty good at it over the years and I know what I want. It's easier to just get it done. In making this choice, I'm setting aside other things I could be doing. I enjoy doing my own marketing, too, along with course creation, content creation, and the main attraction - working with my clients.  The main way I've learn

The Value of Creative Work

My friend, Dre Beltrami at is ready to release a new offer later this week. I reviewed it today, and my jaw dropped to the floor. Dre is reliably generous and knows how to put a lot of value into any package, but this will be over the top. The package that she'll be giving away could be priced at hundreds of dollars, yet she is giving it away in exchange for an email address. I wondered about the ever-changing line between what we give away and what we charge for. How can we as creators continue to put our time, talent, and energy into making valuable things for people and keep giving them away? I don't have answers here, but I do feel the concern of many who wonder how we will ever make a sustainable living if we continue to give away what we make. I'm not dissing Dre here. I think she's a genius, and I have elected myself her fan club president. And her strategy here does lead to a paying offer of her services for a day. I became awa

Faith, Presence, and Mystery

  Easter morning reflections... Many people are celebrating a variety of overlapping holidays this weekend. Ramadan, Passover, Easter, and a few others all coincide. Remembering family dinners at the Sims Hotel in Evanston, Wyoming. The kids' table, spiral ham, prime rib, and scalloped potatoes.  Easter required new church clothes, starchy, stiff, and too clean. The candy was all gone by noon, and the hard-boiled eggs were converted to deviled eggs in time for dinner. The desire for faith doesn't immediately lead to a place of peace and harmony. Instead, everything else I rely on - health, wealth, relationships - all removed. Then what? Listen to hear more. Thanks for being here. #Easter2022 #faithstory #gratitude

Quiet Callings

Stories about a couple of people who showed up in quiet but meaningful ways and made a memorable difference. Is there something you love to create or nurture that could be shared with other people as a gift without strings? Is there a way to show up to serve that no one else may notice, but it's a perfect spot for you to contribute? Thanks for spending your time and attention with me. #quietcallings #aplaceforall #yourgiftsmatter

Your Own Best Company - Business Highlights from Season 1

A recap of some of the best business moments from the first season of Your Own Best Company, featuring: Cat Stancik Full Episode: Danielle Lammon Full Episode: Craig Cannings Full Episode: Steven Hoffman Full Episode: Tracey Burnett Full Episode: Jason Van Orden Full Episode: Dr. Jürgen Strauss Full Episode: Brittney Murphy Full Episode: Alison Proffit Full Episode: Adil Amarsi Full Episode: Sophie Zollman

Behind the Scenes Marketing

If you would rather be stung by bees than give a talk or presentation, this one is for you. If you would rather wash dishes than go to networking meetings, this one is for you. If you make better connections working shoulder to shoulder with other people than through social media, this one is definitely for you. In this Coffee Break, I share one of my favorite marketing strategies - Behind the Scenes Marketing. It's easy to understand. Show up and offer to help other people's events shine. Volunteer for community organizations and events. Be on the planning team for the Rotary literacy project fundraiser. Sing in the choir at church. Bring baked beans and rice to the coven potluck. One of the most common complaints from business owners is the people they need to reach aren't accessible. No, they really are, but just not at the networking meeting. They do show up in lots of other places. Long and interesting conversations can be had when you show up in places to help and ser

How Do You Want to Spend Your Time?

Your imagination pays much closer attention to desire than to reason. It's not interested in what is reasonable or logical. It feeds on fancy. Some of the people I work with are coming out of traumatic work situations where they've stayed too long and have come away with a lot of fear about making the wrong decisions again. I have one question: How do you want to spend your time? This question gets to the heart of what's important to someone. It helps them immediately clarify what option is in line with their desires, which most often directly reflects their values. If you don't have a clear answer to this question, give yourself permission and room to explore. And you may need to do some healing before you're ready to move on. Maybe go to school or try some new skills on for size. If you need money, get a job. Don't kill your dreams with the pressure to make money. If you struggle with this question, consider scheduling a coaching session. First-time clients ta

3 Questions Before You Create

I rarely experience creative blocks like writer's block and similar things. I'm pretty sure part of the reason why is I don't wait for inspiration. The three questions I talk about in today's Coffee Break are a simple but effective framework to help me take the first steps in my creative process.  Write these down and keep them close: Who is it for? What difference will it make? Where will it lead? If you lack ideas, start with these questions. If I'm staring at a blank page, waiting for the muse to whack me in the head, I've found that an easy way to get started is to think about a specific person. It helps if I've had recent contact with them and I know something they're going through.  Holding that person in my awareness gives me ideas and leads to the next question - what difference would I like to make for them? This helps me know what to create. And to then take the journey into the future with the last question, helps me to understand what outcome

Foiled by Progress

Had the calendar cleared for a full production day with an open microphone and at least seven hours uninterrupted. The utility company had a different plan :| This is why I've always been a night owl. There are too many distractions during daylight hours. So it looks like I might be up late. Thankfully, the crew took a lunch break, giving me enough time to record this Coffee Break. I'm tired of pivoting on every level. #interrupted #disrupted #cranky

Know, Like, and Trust Goes Both Ways

Following on yesterday's observation about getting married on the first DM, this Coffee Break encourages us all to remember that not only do our customers need to know, like, and trust us; we also need to know, like, and trust them. If your marketing is really based on relationships, it can't be all about you. I find way too many examples of marketing based on inaccurate assumptions rather than first-hand knowledge, and I'd like to change that. It takes less time to form an authentic connection with a person than it takes to recover from the pushback you get when you manipulate them. They'll remember the true connections favorably for years, but tactics without connection will be remembered unfavorably for a lot longer. And please trust your customers to be able to make their own decisions. How are you finding ways to know, like, and trust your clients? #marketing #humanconnection #h2hmarketing

Creating a Logo with Canva

I usually recommend hiring a professional designer for logo and brand design. It's worth the expense and will save you a lot of trial and error. That said, if you don't have the money to pay for a professional and you aren't getting what you want on Fiverr, has thousands of logo design ideas and templates that will allow you to create your own. This tutorial shows you the basics of creating a simple logo with a transparent background that you can create today. I'm a big fan of the Canva Pro subscription program and recommend it to people nearly every day. #canva #logodesign #easydesigntips

This DM is Going Too Fast for Me

So you paid for the LinkedIn strategy course that told you that you should be sending direct messages (DMs) to potential leads, and you've paid extra for the search bots, LinkedIn Sales Manager, and the one-on-one coaching session. Now you're diligently sending your copied and pasted initial contact to the people who unwittingly accepted your connection request, and the first thing you do is make an offer for a package. Get the hell off my lawn! There are so many other ways to initiate contact with a potential client that don't piss them off and don't end up with them blocking you. In this Coffee Break, I have a few suggestions. At a minimum, look at my profile before you send me a message; send a uniquely written note that shows me you've found something about me besides the fact I came up in your initial search that suggests I might be interested in what you have to sell and don't push. I'm a busy guy with systems that work. Don't assume anything until

Your Own Best Company First Season Wrap Up

Your Own Best Company has featured over 40 interviews since May 2021, and it's time for some reflections and some highlights. Add to that the 90 Virtual Coffee Break shows and you've got a lot to sort through. Join Franklin for some memories, some encouragement, and some gratitude as he looks back on the first year of Your Own Best Company.