This DM is Going Too Fast for Me

So you paid for the LinkedIn strategy course that told you that you should be sending direct messages (DMs) to potential leads, and you've paid extra for the search bots, LinkedIn Sales Manager, and the one-on-one coaching session. Now you're diligently sending your copied and pasted initial contact to the people who unwittingly accepted your connection request, and the first thing you do is make an offer for a package.

Get the hell off my lawn!

There are so many other ways to initiate contact with a potential client that don't piss them off and don't end up with them blocking you. In this Coffee Break, I have a few suggestions.

At a minimum, look at my profile before you send me a message; send a uniquely written note that shows me you've found something about me besides the fact I came up in your initial search that suggests I might be interested in what you have to sell and don't push. I'm a busy guy with systems that work. Don't assume anything until you get to know me. And even then, respect me enough to hold off on the pitch until you're sure it's a fit for me.

I may not reach as many people as you do with that tactic, but my rate of client enrollment is high enough to warrant a waiting list. Slow and steady continues to work for me because I get to know people, and I really learn what's best for them from THEIR point of view, and if there's an opportunity there, I make an offer. It is a lot of work, and it's enjoyable and fruitful.

Try something else and see if you can get some of your money back.

#LinkedInMarketing #SocialMediaStrategy #YouDontKnowMe