
Expertise is Suspicious and Life Has Other Plans

A great gig tonight that may be my last, at least for a while. Gigs like this make me remember that music is worth it sometimes. Thanks for all your interest and support over the years - 43 years now. I'm always questioning how and why things work or don't work. Business is a fine laboratory for such studies. It's a mystery how something will work beautifully once, and then the next time it will sink like a stone. Even with excellent systems in place, you can still get mixed results and not have a clue why. For this reason, I find experts, expertise, and any combination of the two to be suspect. The best batters in the majors are lucky to average .300. This means that the most expert batters worldwide are successful less than a third of the time. I love to learn about business and marketing, and it's been a lifelong study that I enjoy immensely. I've had a lot of business ventures, and most of them have ended as learning experiences more than successes. As Edison sa

You Don't Want to Miss This Masterclass!

▼▼Happening Tomorrow!▼▼ Even if you're not currently having any business problems, you will not want to miss out on this masterclass. It is going to be the best use of your time this year. You'll learn a repeatable, 15-minute technique to discover the core problem hamstringing your business, no matter the size of your business.    Once you discover the problem,  you'll find the solution that will have the biggest financial impact on your business today.    ... and the more impact you get, the more impact you have to give...   A 90-minute investment of your time tomorrow will pay dividends for the rest of your business-owning career.  And I mean dividends in every sense of the word... but especially dollars and time.  You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Register here! Meet the Coaches!

How to Make a Zoom Interview Overlay for 3-Person Videos with Canva

 For those who have been asking if I have a template for a three-person Zoom video overlay, I have had this one for a while now.  It's a little more complicated than the two-person overlay because you have to resize your video track for the frames to align. If you want the template for the frames, click here: Canva is a product I use every day. I'm also a Canva affiliate. I'd love for you to try Canva Pro here: #canva #zoom #videoediting 

How I Learned to Love Marketing (and Why I'd Like You to Attend Thursday's Workshop)

Thanks for the positive feedback and the interest in What's Your Next Step? A Choose your Own Adventure Business Masterclass coming up this Thursday, August 25th, at 10 AM Mountain Time. I've featured interviews with the other six coaches on the program for the past week, and I have been asked to share what I'll be focusing on in the breakout session I'll be leading. When I was asked to identify the area I wanted to be my focus for the event, I came back to my favorite area of business - marketing. I've talked at length before about how much my views of marketing have changed. I used to loathe every minute I spent in marketing. It was difficult, exhausting, and not very fruitful. In order to get better at it, I didn't have to start thinking positively about the activities I didn't enjoy. That never worked! But I had to start evaluating how I was bringing my business and my clients together and let go of the things that didn't work. As I started to do tha

Maryann Cruz - What's Your Next Step Masterclass Introduction

The last coach in this series of introductions is Maryann Cruz. Maryann is a Connecticut-based business strategist, coach, and consultant who helps creatives build and grow the business side of their careers. In What's Your Next Step, Maryann will be leading a breakout session on the topic of when to automate, delegate, or outsource business tasks, so you have more time for the aspects of your business and work that you're best suited for. You can learn more about Maryann at What's Your Next Step? A Choose Your Own Adventure Business Masterclass will be happening this Thursday, August 25, 2022, at 10 AM Mountain Time. The first half of the 90-minute event will pinpoint the area of your business you need to concentrate on right now. The second half will be spent in a breakout session with one of seven coaches specializing in the area you've identified as your priority. You don't have to set aside there to five days to attend this event, and you

Alison Proffit - What's Your Next Step Masterclass Introduction

Followers of my podcast are already well acquainted with Alison Proffit. She's been a guest a couple of times, talking about soulful entrepreneurship and her January summit. Alison will be one of the featured coaches at What's Your Next Step? A Choose Your Own Adventure Business Masterclass coming up this Thursday, August 25, at 10 AM Mountain Time. Alison is a master coach when it comes to sales conversations. In the masterclass, she'll be leading a breakout session on the topic of conversion conversations. If sales is your top business priority, you won't want to miss it. Register at The masterclass format is uniquely set up to deliver the highest value in a short amount of time. The first forty minutes will be spent helping you pinpoint the area of your business that needs your immediate focus. In the second half, you'll be paired with one of seven coaches specializing in the area you've identified as your priority. It's

What's Your Next Step? A Choose Your Own Adventure Business Masterclass

▼ Watch and Listen Below! ▼   This week, Your Own Best Company is making room to introduce you to six coaches who will be joining forces next Thursday, August 25th, at 10 AM Mountain Time for a 90-minute class that will be an unforgettable event. What's Your Next Step? A Choose Your Own Adventure Business Masterclass will be happening online. In 90-minutes you'll have a chance to pinpoint the one business priority that needs your attention right now, and then you'll join one of our seven coaches for a breakout session targeted to the specific priority you've identified. On the podcast this week, I'm excited to introduce you to the other six coaches I'll be joining for the Masterclass: LeAndra Foster - Speaking on building profit systems ( ) Karen Joy Fritz - Presenting on the tech you need to deliver your best services ( ) Alison Proffit - Speaking on conversion conversations ( ) Maryann Cru