
5 Creative Ways to Start and Use a Blog - Live Class at Blue Moose Art Gallery October 18th

  I'll be joining my friend Teresa Funke for another round of the 5 Creative Ways to Start and Use a Blog class at Blue Moose Art Gallery in Fort Collins. If you've been thinking about starting a blog or reenergizing one you've already started, this class will be filled with practical information and a bunch of inspiration for your next steps. Space is limited and will fill up fast, so make your reservation now at this link: See you there!

Coming Back After a Hiatus - Franklin Taggart's Virtual Coffee Break

  In the category of life imitating art, I am excited to return to production of the Virtual Coffee Break.  You may have seen my last post about the final episode of Your Own Best Company, but if you haven't, be sure to check it out. 2023 has been filled with a lot of reflection and evaluating activities. The pandemic years were good for business, but I ultimately found that any expectations formed during that time were largely abnormal. I've noticed that much of my work has shifted back to the levels and activities I had before the pandemic. I've also had more than a few people contact me for coaching as they navigate new twists and turns in their career and business paths. Most recently, three find themselves having a Rip Van Winkle moment - waking up from a long nap to find that everything is different for them than before. One has been taking care of a dying parent, another has been sending the last of her children to college, and another has rekindled a music career af...

A Discussion of Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert with Iggy Perillo on the Books Applied Podcast

  The idea for the Books Applied Podcast is one of the most fun and creative I've run across. Iggy Perillo of WSL Leadership is the creator and host. The premise of Books Applied is that Iggy invites people to read a book related to their professional expertise and then discuss it on the podcast. So much fun! The book I was invited to discuss was Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, by Elizabeth Gilbert , the celebrated author of Eat, Pray, Love.  I had already downloaded the book on my Kindle probably two years earlier, but Iggy's invitation was the impetus to crack the cover and read it. I won't give away the whole conversation, but I'll spill the beans on a couple of things to listen for. Iggy and I both had lukewarm responses to Eat, Pray, Love. We each had our own reasons, but it didn't make our recommended reading lists. In Big Magic, I found much to agree with and felt very affirmed by many things she wrote. I did feel like there was a push to make the cre...

Creating a Business, and Attraction in Marketing - Two Conversations with Michelle Nedelec

  Your Own Best Company podcast listeners heard me interview Michelle Nedelec back in May about the rebellious nature of entrepreneurship. Click here if you missed it! Since that episode, I've had more opportunities to talk with Michelle on two of her podcasts, The Business Ownership Podcast and The Little Blue Pill for Business Podcast. Michelle is a brilliant entrepreneur, a prolific podcaster(hosting and producing five shows at last count), a top-notch interviewer, and wickedly funny for the win.  I'll feature my interviews below, but in case you want to get in touch with her, Michelle can be found at , and on LinkedIn at . Our first conversation was for The Business Ownership Podcast on the topic of Creating a Creative Business We had a lot of fun talking about how creative people with little or no business experience can learn the ropes quickly and develop the business that allows them to cont...

How to Find and Listen to Podcasts

▼▼▼ Watch and Listen Below ▼▼▼ I had a conversation earlier today with a friend who was interested in listening to podcasts, but he'd found it difficult to find and access podcasts he might like to hear. If you are a new podcast listener or would like to start finding and enjoying podcasts, this quick tutorial will help you get started. Here's a link to the free mini course with access to Franklin's list of recommended podcasts and more! Finding a Phone or Device App The first step is to find an app you can use to listen on your smart devices. You already have at least one app on your phone or tablet that has podcast listening built in. I suggest you find an app that allows you to search, subscribe, stream, download, share, and review podcasts. If you have an Apple device like an iPhone or iPad, Apple Podcasts should be installed on your phone or easily accessed in the app store. Apple Podcasts is easy to learn how to use, although I have heard complaints about its search f...

From Podcast Movement 2023

When Podcast Movement announced that their annual conference was going to be held in Denver this year, I got excited. I've wanted to attend this conference ever since it started, but the timing and finances never seemed to line up. This year, thanks to the generosity of Buzzsprout and the close proximity of the venue, I was able to attend. Here are some of my highlights.  Podcasting is Still Growing And it appears to be growing even more rapidly with YouTube's new commitment to podcast support and promotion. It's not just YouTube. Spotify introduced video podcasts into its features last year, and new networks were represented at every level at the conference. The overall trend is that podcasting continues to expand in every direction. People Are Hungry for Podcast Curation As more podcasts are becoming available, people are looking for reliable sources of curation for the podcasts they listen to. Networks are one of the prominent sources people are turning to for this kind ...

Changing Directions - Franklin Taggart

This is the 100th and final episode of Your Own Best Company with Franklin Taggart. I started the podcast in May of 2021 during the height of the quarantine. Many people were faced with working alone for the first time, while others like me relished it. I wanted to encourage and celebrate working alone as an excellent option for people who don't enjoy working on teams or managing others.  I'd like to say thanks to all who listened. We reached over 31,000 viewers and listeners in the show's two years. I'm happy with that performance. I'm also grateful to every guest for bringing such amazing stories and resources to the listeners.  I will continue to offer Franklin Taggart's Virtual Coffee Break for the foreseeable future, and I may be considering some collaborative broadcast projects in the upcoming months, too. This has been a fun and rewarding show. I have several hundred clips to share, so it's not going away completely, but new episodes are no longer bei...