
Podcast! From Management to Hobby farming with Melissa Davis

My guest for this episode is hobby farmer Melissa Davis. 8 years ago Melissa Davis left a management career to begin growing food for her family. After several years of preparing the soil on her family’s micro farm, Melissa now grows about half of the food her family consumes in a year.  She calls it hobby farming, but it sounds like more work than most hobbies. This is her story about her transition from corporate work to working in the soil, and her new interest in acquiring a small manufacturing business. For more information about Kiss the Ground visit   For the Savory Institute visit   This interview was recorded on Zoom.  Zoom video conferencing is available for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. Try Zoom today:  

Podcast! A Fresh Start with Money with Penny Kidd

My guest for this episode is financial coach, Penny Kidd. After learning to manage her own money, Penny found a new direction helping people earn more, save more, and rapidly reduce their debt. She shares practical strategies and tools, all while giving her clients persistent nuges toward financial freedom. Sign up for a free discovery session with Penny at On Facebook: On YouTube: On Twitter: Try Zoom today:

Podcast! Fun Family Fitness with Stephanie Whall of ENJOYit Fitness

Stephanie Whall left behind a less than inspirational project management career to pursue a passion project of bringing fun fitness programs to families like hers. Staying fit together and having fun together turned into her business ENJOYit Fitness. Learn more at Try ZOOM video conferencing here:

Guest Post on Podcasting

I recently wrote a guest post on the Loveland Business Development Center blog about podcasting. I'll be offering a free Lunch 'n Learn presentation on podcasting on Friday, June 15 at noon at LBDC. Check out the link to read the post and register for the session. You'll leave the workshop with tools for planning, producing, and promoting your podcast, and you will be able to get yours started right away.

How My Inbox Regained Its Sanity

A few years ago Gmail introduced the promotions inbox, which was kind of a intermediate spam folder. I stopped using it almost immediately, mainly because there were emails going there that should have shown up in my primary inbox,  which continued to be inundated with marketing and sales email. Hell, I can't turn down a good lead magnet. I've created a Google Drive file just for them. But the collateral mess that began to pollute my inbox became frustrating and overwhelming. I tried some of the inbox cleaning services like and SaneBox, but they didn't really unsubscribe me from mailing lists, they just direct deposited emails into my trash folder befoer I could even see them. This also became problematic when, later on I wanted to reengage with some of the accounts that had been included in the scrubs. Even the emails I wanted to receive ended up in the discard pile. A few years ago I created a completely separate email account that I use only for signing u

Lots of News

Hi Friends, The beginning of 2018 has been full of big and small changes. I have been laying low for a lot of it. I'll get to the reasons in a bit. First thing I want to say is I hope that your year is off to a great start! Tonight's Alley Lights concert at the Rialto in Loveland has been a big part of my life this year. Last year I attended a breakfast meeting of the Loveland Downtown Business Alliance where I heard a concern on the part of a downtown business owner who was concerned about sending his employees into the alley at night to empty trash because the lighting there was less than adequate. We also found out that alley lighting had not been included in a long term development plan for downtown, so we needed a more immediate solution. I had the idea to put on a benefit concert to raise money for a seed fund for this effort. I mentioned the idea to Jacque Wedding-Scott at the Loveland Downtown Partnership and the Alley Lights Concert was born. My friends Dave Beegle

Collecting Stones

A young boy loved stones, and had a burgeoning collection. On hikes with his dad he would fill his pockets and backpack until they were brimming with rocks of every shape and size. He loved collecting rocks so much that he asked his mother to sew him a special outfit just for rock collecting. He asked her to make him a pair of pants with six pockets on each leg, and a shirt with four pockets on each sleeve and three on each side of his buttons. When his mother had finished her sewing, he immediately put on his new togs and ran to the door, slamming it in haste. He sped to the trail behind their house, and began to find every rock that he could, slipping them one by one into each of his many pockets. When all of his pockets were completely filled, he opened his back pack and began to stuff it, too. Gradually his load became heavy to the point that he had to stumble beneath the weight. He decided to take the shortcut home, so that he would be able to take his new additions for his collec