Quantity, Schmantity! Tell Me About Quality

Whenever a new year rolls around many are inclined to declare resolutions, or set intentions, or set measurable goals for the coming year. I declare that I will lose 10 pounds a month. I intend to make a six figure income. My goal is to be number one on the New York Times Bestseller List. While having a number in mind might be useful in terms of ease of measuring, I think there is another useful way to resolve that gets overlooked; qualitative goals.

A qualitative goal is not concerned with the number of things you accomplish, or how much weight you lose, or how much money you make, but it can be fuel for all three quantities. A qualitative goal reveals a few things:

  • What really matters to you.
  • The kind of world you want to live in.
  • The depth and breadth of your imagination.
  • The difference you want to make.
Speaking only for myself, I have a difficult time being motivated by how much money I'll make, or how many people I'll reach. I'm more motivated by a feeling of vibrancy and vitality than by the goal of losing 50 pounds. Thinking about the difference I want to make in peoples' lives makes me want to create pathways to those changes. 

With that in mind, here is where I want to go in 2017:
  • I'm excited to help my clients find easy ways to thrive.
  • I want people who hear my music to experience deeper connection, brighter vision, and emotional well being.
  • I'm creating tools for people who want to have more wisdom, freedom and creativity.
  • I want my family to know that their interests matter to me, and that I will support and encourage their pursuits.
  • I want to expand my own understanding, and share my understanding with others.
  • I'm excited about serving my communities, and seeing them flourish.
  • I want to move through the world with vision, purpose, and gratitude.
These are the things that really move me. The numbers will take care of themselves. See if you can come with a qualitative list of your own. Happy New Year!

One of my favorite services is helping people start and finish big creative projects. Have you wanted to do something like write and publish a book, record an album, publish a poetry collection, develop a course or workshop, start a creative business, organize and present art shows, start a concert series...or anything else that fires your imagination? Have you been putting it off for too long? I have room in my schedule to work with two people in getting those dreams realized during the first three months of 2017. If you're one of those two, schedule a free consultation to get the details...