
The Reset Podcast: A New Relationship Script with Tim Wade

Tim Wade’s life path has taken him from entertainment, to theme park attraction design, to writing for Hollywood heavyweights, to a new adventure - helping people transform their relationships. Offering workshops and retreats for men and couples, Tim shows his clients how a simple shift in understanding can change everything. Listen for the full story. More information about Tim and his programs is available at For information about Franklin Taggart and The Reset Podcast, please visit Recorded in December 2018.

The Reset Podcast - Wellness for the Whole Person with Marissa Orchard

In 2015, massage therapist Marissa Orchard found herself with a budding massage practice and an expansive facility that would ultimately become The Orchard - An Integrated Health Center. In these few years, The Orchard has grown to include a number of healing modalities and professionals. In this interview Marissa tells us the story of her discovery of traditional healing alternatives, and her vision for what has now become The Orchard. Remember that Himalayan Salt Cave sessions are on sale through the end of 2018. Over 30% OFF! More information about Marissa’s massage practice: More information about The Orchard: And The Orchard Wellness Podcast! More information about The Reset Podcast, and Franklin Taggart:

100 Ways

100 Ways is a brainstorming exercise that use for myself and with clients to help generate ideas beyond those that are obvious. I find brainstorming for a designated length of time distracting because I get concerned about time running out and I don't focus on generating ideas. 100 ways is simple. Set a specific goal at t eh top of the page, and then write down 100 ways to attain that goal, with no regard for how long it takes to get to 100. Want to find a way to make $5000? Write down 100 ways and you'll probably find more than one way you can attain that goal. Some of your ideas will surprise you. Here's a simple worksheet that you can use.

Rethinking Email

** Disclaimer: This isn't my normal blog fare. If you're interested at all in email marketing, this article might be of interest, but otherwise it's long and potentially boring. I'm also not offering it as a prescription for how anyone should do email marketing, or email in general. It's just some observations of my own. A couple of weeks ago I was presenting a workshop in which I was talking about my recent experiences with email. The gist of the story is that a few months ago, after getting tired of the vitriol in many online exchanges, I wanted to bring a more uplifting message to people. I started a weekly email message, now called Inbox Encouragement. I was telling the group about how I was seeing open and click through rates that were the highest I'd ever seen. Open rates as high as 80% and click through rates ranging from 25-45%. At one point in the discussion I was asked if I had any idea of any of the clicks were converting. In sales language that

Reset Podcast - 52 Beautiful Things with Katie Huey

A succession of hardships and loss moved Katie Huey to seek her own grounding through writing. Her blog, 52 Beautiful Things is a growing collection of her insightful reflections that draw attention to the beautiful things we might be missing as the world’s chaos distracts us. Enjoy the interview, and please visit to experience Katie’s writing for yourself. More information about The Reset Podcast is available at

Content Is King???


Reset Podcast - Leaping Into the Art World with Lenina Olivas

A year ago, Lenina Olivas walked out of her teaching job with no clear idea of what she was going to do next. In the year that’s just passed she’s found an opportunity for oil painting to become a cornerstone of an entirely new direction, which includes being hired as an art gallery director and an invitation to participate in a local art studio tour. Enjoy her story! Lenina’s links: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Lenina will be the featured artist at the Christmas Shops at Centerra in Loveland on December 6, 2018. Her work can also be seen at the Lincoln Gallery in Loveland, Colorado. If you’ve enjoyed The Reset Podcast, please subscribe through your favorite podcast listening app. For more information, please visit .