If I Had to Start Over Part 2

Since my video two days ago, I've had some other thoughts about what I'd do if I were starting over in business right now. Like I said in the last video, I'm not sure what exactly I'd do differently since the business landscape is so different now than it was then, especially online business. 

But I realized there are a few things I would do differently based on my experience. In this Coffee Break, I share what they are and why I would approach my business with these changes.

I also tell you a couple of the coaches I would hire to help me get started. I've already taken a class with Tad Hargrave at Marketing for Hippies and I think I would look to him as one of my first choices for coaching and mentoring. I admire the way his own business has evolved and we're enough alike that I think he would understand me and push me where I need to be pushed. 

My second choice for mentoring would be Danielle Gardner. I have not had a conversation with her yet, but I like the way she has changed her business strategy in the past few years to honor her own personality, strengths, and preferences. 

One of the things I love about coaching is that everyone here is on their own unique adventure. No two people have the same experiences and no two have the same circumstances. It keeps me learning and exploring to find the exact right things for them to put in place as they start new career paths, businesses, and projects. If you would like to see what my coaching can do for you, let's find a time to talk. 

#startingoverinbusiness #pivotschmivot #ilovecoaching