FREE Mini-Masterclass: How to Set Up a YouTube Channel

Franklin Taggart teaches a mini-masterclass on how to set up a YouTube channel

As a coach, my clients often want to try new online channels for promoting, selling, and delivering their products and services. This mini-masterclass is the first in a series addressing these needs. 

In How to Set Up a YouTube Channel, Franklin works step-by-step through the process of opening a Google account, creating a YouTube Channel, adding branding, customizing the page layout, and more. 

This mini-masterclass is also a featured project in Franklin's learning resource DIY Video Production Projects for Coaches, available at the Unconvetional Life School link on his blog,

Video 1: How to Set Up a YouTube Channel - Intro

In this intro to the mini-masterclass How to Set Up a YouTube Channel, Franklin Taggart introduces the course and himself. 

Video 2: How Do I Set Up My Google Account?

The first step in setting up your YouTube channel is creating a Google account. If you already have Gmail or Google Workspace, you already have a Google account that you can use. If you don't already have these, follow the steps in this video to get your Google account set up now.

Video 3: How Do I Create My YouTube Channel?

After you've set up a Google account, you're ready to create your YouTube Channel. In this step-by-step tutorial, Franklin walks you through the process of creating your YouTube channel.

Video 4: How Do I Find YouTube Settings and Unlock Features

Finding YouTube settings can be a challenge at first. There are a few places where important settings are found. This video shows you where to find them. We also talk about how you can access many of the features YouTube offers. We'll talk about Verifying your phone number, and accessing some advanced features by either submitting a photo ID or completing a simple video verification.

Video 5: When Can I Monetize My YouTube Channel?

Questions about when and how to monetize a YouTube channel are some of the most frequently asked. There are ways to generate revenue through your channel from the very first video you upload. In this video, we identify some of the most common: selling your own products and services, affiliate marketing and sales, marketing collaborations, and more. We also learn about the YouTube Partner Program, its eligibility requirements, and the opportunities it brings.

Video 6: How Do I Customize My YouTube Channel?

YouTube offers a number of ways to customize your channel's basic info, from changing the name and handle to adding pronouns, a channel description, and channel tags. In this step-by-step tutorial, Franklin walks through where to find and change your basic info customizations.

Video 7: How Do I Add or Change My Channel Branding?

YouTube makes it easy to add and change branding elements to your channel like profile pictures, banner images, and channel watermarks. In this step-by-step video, Franklin walks you through how to add, change, and remove branding elements from your new YouTube channel. template links(You'll need a Canva account and sign in to it to access these):

Video 8: How Do I Change My YouTube Channel Layout?

Creating interesting experiences for your channel visitors can be easily facilitated using the YouTube layout settings. In this video tutorial, Franklin will show you how to access and change important layout settings like adding a channel trailer and featured video, along with featuring playlists, other people's videos, and more.

Video 9: Welcome to Your New YouTube Channel?

So, that's it! In a little more than half and hour, you've learned how to set up your YouTube channel. If you used this masterclass to help you with your setup, please get in touch and share your channel handle so I can subscribe. Now go make a bunch of great videos and start uploading?

A note about my videos: They are designed for people who consider themselves highly sensitive (HSP). They are paced slowly and committed to limiting noise and movement so that you can more easily concentrate on the content. I hope you enjoy them!

Originally published on my YouTube channel; Franklin Taggart's DIY Video Projects for Coaches

Making a Mini-Masterclass is also one of the featured projects in my online learning resource DIY Video Production Projects for Coaches. Enroll to learn more!